[JW7] No popup menu when using 3 sources
I try the new JW7 player but I have an issue when using multiple sources (more than 2).
With JW6, I have a popup menu on the HD button to select the source.
I don't have this popup menu on JW7.
Code I'm using (works with JW6) :
var playerInstance = jwplayer("videoDiv");
startparam: "start",
width: "100%",
aspectratio: "16:9",
playlist: [{
image: "http://thumbshigh.koreus.com/201509/koreusity-153.jpg",
sources: [
{ file: "http://embed.koreus.com/00071/201509/koreusity-153.mp4", label: "360p", height: 360, width: 640 },
{ file: "http://embed.koreus.com/00071/201509/koreusity-153.m4v", label: "240p", height: 240, width: 430 },
{ file: "http://embed.koreus.com/00071/201509/koreusity-153-hd.mp4", label: "720p HD", height: 720, width: 1280 }]}],
related: {
file: "http://reco.koreus.com/recomrss.php?file=koreusity-153",
heading:"Vous devriez aimer"
sharing: {
heading:"Partager la vidéo",
code: encodeURI("<iframe width='560' height='315' src='http://www.koreus.com/embed/koreusity-153' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe><br /><a href='http://www.koreus.com/video/koreusity-153.html'>Koreus.com</a>"),
link: "http://www.koreus.com/video/koreusity-153.html"
Any idea ?