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Migrating to JWplayer 7.0 but ads dont showing

Hi this is our page for testing the new HTML5 jw7 player:

The player dont show the ADS, why ? We have tried also with FLASH primary...

The video have VAST tag inside (we have the same tag on jwplayer 6.0 and is oK) :

This is the player HTML SNIPPET:


file: "",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",

primary: "html5",

advertising: {
client: "vast",

playlist: [{
image: "",
title: "Tearaway Unfolded - Il coloratissimo platform di Media Molecule si appresta a debuttare su PS4 (Video Recensione)" ,

sources: [
{ file: "" , label: "360p SD", "default":true},
{ file: "" , label: "720p HD"},


mediaid: "18462"

NOlogo: {
file: "",
link: ""


3 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Hi, there.

YouTube does not allow you to have your own advertising attached to videos hosted on their site. This sometimes worked on JW Player 6 because of the way YouTube’s API was, but they changed it so we can only retrieve their videos through a specific API which ends up breaking any workarounds for ads.

Please let me know if you need any more help or have any other questions.

Thank you!


0 rated :

Sorry, but VAST advertising dont work also on our MP4 video files :

You could test this here :

This is the HTML SNIPPET:

var playerInstance = jwplayer("my-video");


width: "100%",
height: "100%",

primary: "html5",

playlist: [{
image: "",
title: "Tearaway Unfolded - Il coloratissimo platform di Media Molecule si appresta a debuttare su PS4 (Video Recensione)" ,

sources: [
{ file: "" , label: "360p SD", "default":true},
{ file: "" , label: "720p HD"},


mediaid: "18462"

advertising: {
client: "vast",



JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Hi, there.

This seems to be an issue with your ad tag since it fails to load in our Demo Ad Player and Google’s VAST Inspector. The errors I’m getting are cross-domain related (verified by Are you getting simiilar errors in your browser’s console when trying to feed your ad tag into I’ve copied and pasted the ad tag below.

Ad Tag:…3D1&nz=1&source=&r=R0.023106331005692482&block=1&format=vast&charset=UTF-8

Please let me know. You can also see more information about cross-domain and CORS at

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