Displaying Related Videos
http://www.barrandov.tv/lib/test.php don´t show related videos. Could you tell me what is wrong?
Thank you
http://www.barrandov.tv/lib/test.php don´t show related videos. Could you tell me what is wrong?
Thank you
related is located at wrong path
should be file: "rss3.xml",
Hi, there!
Mark is correct – the path to your related XML file is incorrect. If you remove the “/lib/”, you should be good.
Please let me know if you need any more help or have any other questions.
Thank you!
Thank you for answer. I removed "/lib/". now file: "rss3.xml", but related videos doesn't show. http://www.barrandov.tv/lib/test.php
Version 6.12 of JW Player ( Pro edition) did not support Related Videos.
If you update your player to version 7, it will work.
Mark is correct. My apologies – I thought it was included in version 6.