I'm loading a visual playlist through an RSS file within setup (playlist : "./myplaylist.rss")
Some of the videos in my playlist have very long names and titles. How do I change the width of the visual playlist so the full name of the clip would appear?
Currently, this would need to be done via CSS. There is no built-in way to control the width of the visual playlist at this time. This may always change based on user feedback, however.
I've find out that adding 'width:400px;' into the jw-playlist-container CSS class in the developpers tools of my browser do change the width of the container. It also scramble the content of the container for obscure reasons (no more title, incomplete file names, etc.)
Anyway, changing it in the CSS file doesn't do anything. Any hint?
I've built a plugin to allow Visual Playlist customisation which includes the following features:
> Makes the Visual Playlist responsive - with configurable width, height and margin options at flexible player sizes > Removes the scrollbar when not needed > Ability to include descriptions within the Visual Playlist > Ability to customise the Visual Playlist title (changing it from "PLAYLIST") > When a player has a playlist, and the Visual Playlist is enabled, the controlbar will be visible by default - this can also be configured.
Check an example and implementation details here: http://dev.powered-by-haiku.co.uk/solutions/jw7vpl/
James Herrieven
=================================================== Powered by Haiku http://powered-by-haiku.co.uk/ --------------------------------------------------- Tatami for Online Video http://dev.powered-by-haiku.co.uk/solutions/tatami/ --------------------------------------------------- skype: JamesHerrieven email: james[at]haiku[dot]co[dot]uk ===================================================
/*Sets the visual listbar width to 400 px and realigns it above the icon. */
.jw-skin-seven .jw-overlay .jw-playlist-container {
/* overrides the player settings for how tall the visualplaylist can be. 195px is the about right for a player that is 270px tall, including the controlbar height, and menus. */
.jwplayer .jw-playlist {
min-height: none;
max-height: none;
height: 195px;
/* Makes it so the list items are left aligned in the visualplaylist */
.jwplayer .jw-playlist .jw-option {
padding: 0 15px;
margin: auto;
text-align: left;
Todd Grunow: You copied only a part which is already on the web. The question is about LONG titles. Test this with lo,ng titles and with the values of the example of the web: the names (titles) are cropted (till about 150px). And then there is no Description in the playlist (as it was in jw5, jw6,...); a plugin from Jherrieven (thank you!) can be used.
Dear people of JW: 1. The example for a wider visual playlist on the website is not complete. In this example only the container is wide, not the text. You have to add as example following ccs: .jw-playlist .jw-name{width:500px; text-overflow:ellipsis;}
2. The space for the sequence number in the playlist is sometimes too small. You have to add .jw-playlist .jw-label{width:2em;}
2.The Reference Skin-CSS is not complete: see examples above.
I am right? Is it possible to modify the documentation?
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