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JWPlayer and Magentos CSS/JS Merging

We recently updated our Magento store to 1.9 and went responsive. In the course of the update we also switched from Flowplayer to JWPlayer. JWPlayer is working fine as long as I don't use the magento feature of merging css and js files. As soon as I activate this, the video div will be empty. Has anybody else experienced this behavior? I can share a link or a list of other css and js files loaded on that site if required. Thanks!

4 Community Answers


0 rated :

Yes I know this is a problem myself, I have seen it on my site.

I have to set fixed div dimensions in css of the div the player is hosted inside in order to create a black background and border around the player. If I set this div with it's own responsive (auto) or minimum size I run into problems as well.


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Our player will remove any CSS inside the <div> when our player instantiates. My suggestion would to try and re-apply your CSS via Javascript in the player’s onReady() event.

Could you also e-mail your reproduction files to us at ? I want to show them to our engineers.


0 rated :

I recently installed Fooman Speedster, allowing me to exclude js files from the merge and excluding jwplayer.js did the trick.


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Glad you got it working! And thanks for posting your resolution here.

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