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My ad source saying this tag is vast and vpaid compliant but I cant get it to work on jwplayer;cors=yes;width=__WIDTH__;height=__HEIGHT__;referring_url=__WEB_URL__;content_url=__CONTENT_URL__;media_id=__MEDIA_ID__;title=__TITLE__;device=__DEVICE__;model=__MODEL__;os=__OS__;osversion=__OSVERSION__;ua=__UA__;ip=__IP__;uniqueid:__UNIQUEID__;tags=__TAGS__;number=__RANDOM__;time=__TIME__

This seems very long compare to my other tags. Please help me

1 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

I’d suggest using our compatible ad tag variables within this ad tag:

However, we do not account for all of the macros you’re currently trying to use here (For example uniqueID, tags, ua, ip)

If these are required by your ad server, these will need to be acquired using other external means.

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