How to compile a JS file similar with extends html5.overlay.js
I added a setting button on the controlbar, and wrote a html5.settingmenu.js which extends html5.overlay.js, just like the does. In the html5.controlbar.js, I initialized the settingmenu overlay, and the overlay box displayed.
But the elements created in the settingmenu.js can't be seen unless renaming the settingmenu.js file to menu.js. I found these lines below in ./build/build.xml:
<fileset dir="${basedir}/src/js/html5" includes="jwplayer.html5.js" />
<fileset dir="${basedir}/src/js/html5" includes="jwplayer.html5*.js" excludes="jwplayer.html5.js" />
I think that the settingmenu.js is included in the jwplayer.html5.js while the 'new html5.settingmenu(...)' in controlbar.js didn't through any error. But if I removed the settingmenu.js file, there's also no error.
How can I include the settingmenu.js file and make it work?
Help please!