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Add CSS style attribute value to player wrapper

In order to get the player to align properly with surrounding content, I need to add a "clear: both" style attribute value to the _wrapper container. In looking at the configuration options, this does not seem to be an option, and I don't see a way to add arbitrary style attributes. I've tried adding it directly to the container after the call to .jwplayer():

$(wrapperSelector).css('clear', 'both');

where wrapperSeletcor is the ID of the div element (e.g. selector-id_wrapper), but that isn't working either. Is there an easy way to add this attribute value via jwplayer config, or do I have to add it separately?


3 Community Answers

Cooper Reid

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

You may need to do this in the onReady event handler to make sure the player elements are in the DOM.
jwplayer().onReady(function() {
// your code


0 rated :

Yup, that was the trick, in addition to adding curly braces to my .css() code:

player.onReady(function() {
var wrapperSelector = '#' + selector + "_wrapper";
$(wrapperSelector).css({'clear': 'both'});

Cooper Reid

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :


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