How to play n number of videos continuously with jw player
i want to play 5 or more videos continuously with jwplayer in my website without stopping the player or reloading the web page.
How to do it?
i want to play 5 or more videos continuously with jwplayer in my website without stopping the player or reloading the web page.
How to do it?
Is there some reason why you can't simply use a playlist with autostart and repeat both set to true?
I agree with MisterNeutron. Define a playlist of videos and set autostart: ‘true’ and repeat: ‘true’. See for details and code examples related to creating playlists.
am not getting like this
playlist: [{''},{''}],
displaytitle: false,
width: 716,
height: 404
The playlist can be a list of MP4 files to be played, or an RSS feed. Using an XML file does not appear to be one of the options.
A simple example:
but am unable to use files.
video files are in jw platform,i have only video keys with me.
how can i do it?
If your content is hosting by JW Platform, you can create a playlist of videos in your account dashboard. Next, embed that playlist in a player that has been set to autostart and repeat.
i don't want to create playlist in jw platform account.
i pick up some video keys dynamically from jw platform and i want to play all that videos one by one in my website.
In that case, you would need to use the video ID for each video and build a playlist with multiple sources for each video. Please see for a code example of a playlist with multiple videos and multiple sources for each video. The URL templates for JW Platform content are:
HLS –[video_ID].m3u8
MP4 –[video_ID].mp4
When i used like above am getting "Error loading media,File could not be played" error.
file: ''
Looks like you have secure video downloads enabled in your JW Platform account > Settings. You will need to append the expiration date and signature to your MP4 URL. Please see for more details.