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How do you play VoD flv file with a security token in JW Player?

I have a flash VoD file I want to play on an NGINX RTMP media server
Video plays fine in VLC

I tried playing it in JW Player with the two alternatives below. None work, what am I doing wrong?

primary: 'flash',
type: 'rtmp',
streamer: "rtmp://",
file: "flv:v_google-1421929816.flv",
image: "{{ MEDIA_URL }}{{ video.thumbnail }}",
width: "100%",
aspectratio: "16:9",

file: "rtmp://",
height: 360,
//image: "/assets/myVideo.jpg",
rtmp: {
securetoken: "4B6DFA1DD3114A0B8BEEA01DC433C1A9"
width: 640

4 Community Answers

Cooper Reid

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

It looks like your second method is the right syntax. Are you able to debug the request coming to your server to see if that securetoken param is being sent?


0 rated :

Yes, I can play the VoD files with no problem on these 2 online players:

I cannot play the VoD flv file on your JW online wizard:


0 rated :

Or maybe I formatted the rtmp path and port wrong in your online wizzard field. Can you tell me how I must format the rtmp path to play the above VoD file on your online wizard?

Cooper Reid

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

You don’t need two separate parameters, you can simply use the file parameter:
file: “rtmp://”

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