Video does not appear : error : "Cannot set property 'oncontextmenu' of null"
We have multiple error ( 4 times the same) on some configurations : jwplayer + windows 8.1 + Chrome latest version ( 39.0.2171.99 m) + F4M manifest :
Error handling "jwplayerError" event listener [0]: TypeError: undefined is not a function function (c){a.css.unblock(b.id);d(b.id).dispatchEvent(d.events.JWPLAYER_SETUP_ERROR,c)} Objectmessage: "Cannot set property 'oncontextmenu' of null"type: "jwplayerError"version: "6.11.4923"__proto__: Object__defineGetter__: function defineGetter() { [native code] }defineSetter__: function defineSetter() { [native code] }lookupGetter__: function lookupGetter() { [native code] }lookupSetter__: function lookupSetter() { [native code] }constructor: function Object() { [native code] }hasOwnProperty: function hasOwnProperty() { [native code] }isPrototypeOf: function isPrototypeOf() { [native code] }propertyIsEnumerable: function propertyIsEnumerable() { [native code] }toLocaleString: function toLocaleString() { [native code] }toString: function toString() { [native code] }valueOf: function valueOf() { [native code] }get proto__: function proto() { [native code] }set proto__: function proto__() { [native code] }
The consequence of this error is that you hear sound but can not see the video.
If you change the speed by clicking on the " HD" or if you click on the play bar , the video appears .
As if there was a video display worries.
We use the provider Akamai 3.6 shown here : http://mediapm.edgesuite.net/jw/index.html
Here is the video setup code :
var providerAkamai = "http://players.edgesuite.net/flash/plugins/jw/v3.6/AkamaiAdvancedJWStreamProvider.swf";
wmode: 'direct',
width: width,
height: height,
autostart: false,
playlist: [{
file: video_url,
provider: providerAkamai,
tracks: [{
file: subtitles,
label: "Français",
kind: "captions",
"default": true
captions: {
back: false,
color: 'ffffff',
fontsize: 14
primary: "flash",
wmode: 'direct',
akamaiMediaAnalytics: o_akamaiMediaAnalytics
Thank you for your help